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作者: 更新时间:2023-06-17 14:48:11 阅读:7947
原配方是baci di mama的曲奇,面团制作好后分小块搓圆,烤得圆圆的,再涂上一层巧克力酱,把两块饼干粘起来。链接https://youtu.be/13OU4-Zao-s




1 用60克植物油代替黄油
2 brown sugar和white sugar 1:2混合使用
3 使用almond flour代替一半榛子粉
4 黄油减少至75克


榛子粉/榛子100克 3/4cup
面粉80克 2/3cup
60克 1/3cup
有盐黄油85克 6tbsps


  1. 黄油切小块,放入冷冻冻硬。

    吃了一口就停不下来的榛子曲奇的做法 步骤1
  2. 混合粉类和糖,mixer搅打均匀。

    吃了一口就停不下来的榛子曲奇的做法 步骤2
  3. 冻硬的黄油粒

    吃了一口就停不下来的榛子曲奇的做法 步骤3
  4. 加入冷冻黄油粒,搅拌机pulse搅拌至沙粒状

    吃了一口就停不下来的榛子曲奇的做法 步骤4
  5. 模具底部垫油纸,把材料直接倒入模具,压平。

    吃了一口就停不下来的榛子曲奇的做法 步骤5
  6. 315f烤35分钟,至闻到香味。

  7. 烤好后取出模具,放在晾架上晾30分钟至完全凉透。

  8. 120 grams of hazelnut flour, 100 grams of flour, 100 grams of icing sugar, 100 grams of potato flour, 100 grams of butter, 2 egg yolks, and for the chocolate version, 10 grams of unsweetened cocoa powder to replace 10 grams of flour.
    mixing the flours with the icing sugar. Then we add the softened butter. Once we have a gritty mixture we add the egg. The dough is ready when it becomes smooth.
    shape the lady's kisses, so we can take a little piece from the mixture and roll it into tiny balls which we'll put on a baking tray, or we can cut the mixture in pieces and form sticks that we're going to cut.
    In this way we'll have biscuits with the same shape, and then again we form little balls. The size of the balls should be of about 2 cm.

    另一个配方用potato flour,下次试试